Sunday, December 25, 2016

K1 Media BioHouse - Moving Filtration Media 高效气动型滤材

K1 Media BioHouse 

 (Shipping within all Malaysia state)
1 pack = 1kg

 ------------------* Price *-----------------

 100g = RM 7.50 

Poslaju Sabah Sarawak + RM 5.00/kg 


Order Now Bankin Maybank 
Account Number : 557054615887
Account Name :  PEEOS AQUATIC

receipt and shipping detail to 
017-5522 128

Different between K1 with other type media

moving bed

hours self cleaning

more micro organisms colonize

rapidly remove ammonia & nitrite


HOW TO: Build an aquarium sump - fluidized moving bed filter
 Now Available for Malaysian

DIY K1 with 2 Liter

 ---------- !!!沉水固定型滤材的烦恼 !!! ---------- 
Masalah static media / Static Media Problem 

任何滤材只要有水流不顺畅的地方就无法带给微生物需要的足够食物(氧气, ammonia和 nitrite), 就会造成系统发展缓慢甚至缺乏食物而死亡,处理效果更是大打则扣严重受影响。 Sekiranya terdapat tempat pengaliran air tidak lancar, tempat tulah tidak dapat membawa makanan ( oksigen, ammonia dan nitrite) secukupnya kepada koloni bakteria akibatnya system nitrifying tidak berkembang dan koloni mati kebuluran. Fungsi system tentu tidak berkesan. 

Lubang pada media tersumbat, mempunyai air "Death Spot" 

 -------------------- ****** --------------------

Kaldnes Biohouse K1 filter media bergerak memelihara koloni bakteria sama ada yang suka oksigen atau tidak. Untuk tujuan menghilang toxic buangan ikan ( ammonia ), K1 biasa diguna mumupuk bakteria system suka oksigen iaitu nitrosomonas dan nitrobacter dalam proses nitrifying. 

Perbezaan media bergerak berbanding dengan media static dalam kuantiti yang sama : 

✓ media bergerak lebih luas permukaan tinggal koloni bakteria 
 ✓ media bergerak lebih banyak koloni bakteria 
✓ media bergerak lebih banyak bakteria muda yang aktif 
✓ media bergerak boleh proses hasil buangan makanan ikan sebnyak 0.5kg untuk setiap 100 liter media 
✓ media bergerak membolehkan air melalui setiap media dengan seimbang 
✓ media bergerak menyampaikan makanan seimbang (oksigen dan ammonia) ke setiap nitro bakteria di semua permukaan media 
 ✓ media bergerak lebih berkesan menghilangkan ammonia 
✓ media bergerak senang setup 
✓ media bergerak tidak perlu penjagaan rapi 
✓ media bergerak boleh bersihkan sendiri, tidak lagi perlu selalu cuci atau tukar 
✓ media bergerak tidak ada kawasan tersumbat atau air tidak melaluinya.  

 - ----------------------------* Promotion *----------------------------  

8 kg = RM520.00
Free Pos Laju RM80.00

Semenanjung only

16 kg = RM1040.00
No Pos fee RM160.00

Sabah Sarawak only

----Fast While Promotion Still Valid----

Order Now Bankin Maybank 
Account Number : 557054615887
Account Name :  PEEOS AQUATIC

Whatsapp reset and shipping detail to 
017-5522 128

----------* Thank You *----------


“挂膜” BioFilm后的K1

* 100g = ~400pcs
* 规格:高度Height 10mm x 直径Radius 10mm
* 1kg或以上 & above = rm65/kg


K1 fix in any smooth container

How Kaldnes K1 BioHouse different from other static Filter media  ?

How it works?

Maturing the K1 Media bio-media is important because a delicate eco-system is naturally developing for the bacteria involved in the nitrification process. K1 Media provides the maximum active surface area for the bacteria to colonise, more than other types of static media. It is this process which removes harmful ammonia and nitrite from the water.

 How it is different to other media?

 As the K1 Media moves within the filter, it causes the old dead bacteria on the outside to be displaced. This makes space for new younger heavier feeding bacteria to rapidly colonise. Within the wheel is a protected surface which enables colonies of bacteria to naturally follow their lifecycle, of maturing, dying and then fueling the latter stages of the nitrification cycle. K1 Media has been designed to provide the best possible habitat for both young and mature beneficial bacterial colonies.

Koi Pond Upgrade to Kaldnes K1

 What is meant by 'self cleaning'?

 Unlike foam, matting, or other forms of static filtration media, the K1 Media is designed to move freely within your filter. The constant chaotic movement of the air from your pump, causes the media to self clean and thus requires no maintenance. This allows the filter to reach optimum effectiveness without the disturbance of periodic cleaning, avoiding unnecessary loss of bacteria within the filter. 50 Litres of K1 media will handle up to 250 grammes of food per day


You are welcome to order K1 BioHouse filter media in small quantities and large volumes
Whatsapp K1 Teoh @ 0175522128 to send your enquiry
K1 Media are suitable for all types of filtration applications in the aquatics industry including:


 ----------------------------* Promotion *----------------------------  

8 kg = RM520.00 Free Pos RM80.00
Semenanjung only

16 kg = RM1040.00 Free Pos RM160.00
Sabah Sarawak only

---------------Whatsapp Promotion Code K1B8FPNSB16FSSBSAPR17 ke 0175522128 ------------ ----------------------------* Thank You *----------------------------

 100g = RM 7.50 
Poslaju Sabah Sarawak + RM 5.00/kg 


Order Now Bankin Maybank 
Account Number : 557054615887
Account Name :  PEEOS AQUATIC

Whatsapp reset and shipping detail to 
017-5522 128

How much K1 do your tanks need ?

 ---------------------- K1 热销中,赶快PM购买 ------------------------- 

K1是塑料!不是烧结出来的环啊、球啊、柱啊、屋啊这一类固定型滤材。塑料作为材质,在相同体积的前提下,它的重量是可以轻好多倍的,而且最最最为关键的一点是,它高效!10liter 的K1能处理的水量并非传统烧结或固定滤材所能相比。 K1不需要把我们的滤槽空间给填满,一般使用生化仓总体积的1/3~1/2就足够了,这是因为这种滤材必须在水中翻滚进行生物净化处理,所以预留出翻滚空间是必需的!

**为此,我们已经为您特地准备好分量,1 Liter 的水只需配 100g K1。 当然作为滤材,效率才是我们最最最最最为关心的话题,能在污水处理系统和远洋邮轮上使用,效率是不容置疑的。 由于K1是在打气的水中翻滚,水流非常顺畅同时供应充足氧气的环境,满足好氧菌的生长条件,使得好氧菌能大量地滋生。
  • 粒粒K1在同时滚动也表明了K1系统是没有水流死角!
  • 滤材在水中翻滚的另一个好处就是,死亡后的细菌可以立即脱落,而使得新生的微生物有足够空间得以不断滋长,就像处于旺盛的新陈代谢一样,而且也正是由于这种原因,使得它们不受使用时间的限制,理论上使用寿命是无限长。
  • 相比之下,烧结类和其他固定型的滤材由于孔洞太小,细菌死亡之后的残骸会依然滞留在孔洞深处占据着空间;打个比方 就是人死了,但依然把尸体摆放在房间里,所以这屋子就无法继续给新住客使用了。也正因为如此,烧结类滤材一般都需要定期更换进行新旧交替。当然,也有一些少数是例外的。 

 ------------------------------ K1 热销中,赶快PM购买 ---------------------------- 
K1特性 和其他沉水固定型滤材有什么不同 ?


- 让他可被打气带动,适合长时间浸泡在水里也不会对微生物有任何作用,使用寿命更长,打破只能需要经常更换的水底固定传统滤材。
- 其本身刚入水的时候是会浮的,此时期的培菌效果不会太好因为无法跟随循环,因此在泡水一阵子生长上一些微生物、菌膜后便能跟着打气水一起流动。


2.采用一次成型特殊的结构, 曝气冲刷打气滚动物理性研磨达到自净效果 
- 使微生物处于高活性的对数增长期,处理效率高,养菌空间不会被阻塞。
- 在滚动的过程中,死去的菌尸以及菌膜还有脏污物都会掉下来,因此在正确使用下,他的自净效果会是很惊人的。 - 但是相比其他生物滤材, K1的形状以及性质会让他多一种物理性研磨的处理机制,在碰撞中能够把大分子研磨成小分子 以促进整个系统的分解。这点是目前其他生物滤材较无法做到的,也与他的自净能力相辅相成。

- 让所有K1顺打气水而流,不会有水流死角,提供远远不绝而且平衡充足涵氧量和食物给所有微生物。 - 由于是以气动或是水流环境来做处理因此基本上K1所处环境的含氧量不会太低,是硝化细菌非常适合居住的地方。

- 则单位容积内生物量就高,可以达到水力停留时间短;微生物高活性的目的。

- 50L的k1每天平均可以处理250克的排泄量,完全可以根据您的养鱼食物量随时做调整,如果再配合全棉系统作前段那么将可打造更加强大的硝化系统。
- 如果将K1直接放到很脏的过滤缸前段的话,则可能还是会有脏污水霉等东西卡在上面,会需要较强的水流去做处理。但若以生物量较少的缸状况来看是绰绰有余,不会卡什么脏污。

packing ready shipping to your home

---------------------------------------新手常见问题 ---------------------------------------
People who began using K1 BioHouse in Aquarium filters have reported a few details which deserve repeating

Q1 First, when the media is new, it tends to be a little more buoyant than you would like it to be. A layer of floating media several feet thick, may extend above the surface of the water several inches. 
A1. When mature, the media will not rise above the surface.

Q2: The extra buoyancy will make it very difficult to get it to “roll” when aerated.  
A2. The extra buoyancy may be the result of waxy release agents used in the manufacturing process. To speed up the process of maturing, you can treat the media with one gram of potassium permanganate per three gallons of water. Of course, you would not want to expose the pond water or the fish to the potassium permanganate unnecessarily. The potassium permanganate treatment seems to speed up colonization by the nitrifying bacteria as well.
多余的浮力很可能是滤材在释放制作过程当中使用的糯原料。每11.3L水添加1g的potassium permanganate可以加快建立硝化菌系统。但是您当然不想鱼虾暴露在potassium permanganate里。

Q3 Thirdly, when new media is put into service, the color will turn from white to brown as the bacteria colonize the surface. After a month or so, and after the filter is “cycled” and performing well, the media will turn from brown to a light beige color. It is thought that the bacterial biofilm becomes so thick that the Outter layer sloughs off.

A3: Even though the thickness of the biofilm is reduced and the color changes, the media continues to perform as before and there is no increase in ammonia or other change in water quality.

 Q4.All media shed biofilm as it grows and becomes too thick to be held in place on the surface of the media. Some types of media and systems shed bacteria biofilm mainly in the cleaning process.

A4. K1 BioHouse is essentially self cleaning and continuously cleaning. However, this means that shed biofilm is carried with the water back to the pond to the next stage in the filtration process. All biofilters should be located after the mechanical filter (if one is used) to minimize the amount of debris which could become trapped and smother the biofilm.

Q5 Thirdly, some feel that Matala mat (Japanese mat) is more “resilient” than K1 BioHouse filter media.

A5: K1 BioHouse can handle a higher feed rate per unit area when the feed rate and other conditions are stable. However, if the feed rate is increased abruptly, the bacteria population in Matala mat will quickly adjust to the larger amount of ammonia. The bacteria population in K1 BioHouse takes longer to adjust. This could be the result of the Matala mat maintaining a thicker layer of biofilm. Matala can also be operated with air bubbles moving up through the media. This will provide oxygen, but does not significantly clean it. K1 BioHouse and the moving bed biological filter is an interesting concept and easy to use.
比较相同的面积的不同滤材,当其他因素稳定时,K1生物屋可以处理更多的喂食量。但是,如果喂食平衡量突然被增加时,日本生化棉的菌群确实可以更快地调整来处理大量的Ammonia; K1的菌群则需要多一点的时间来做这个调整,这会造成生化棉的细菌膜增加更厚。生化棉确实也可以考打气来培养菌群,这样可以增加氧气量但是生化棉无法进行自己清理;

 ----------------------------* Promotion *----------------------------  

8 kg = RM520.00
Free Pos ( RM80.00 )

Semenanjung only

16 kg = RM1040.00
Free Pos ( RM160.00 )

Sabah Sarawak only

---------Whatsapp Promotion Code K1B8FPNSB16FSSBSAPR17 ke 0175522128 ------ 
----------* Thank You *----------

 100g = RM 7.50 
Poslaju Sabah Sarawak + RM 5.00/kg 


Order Now Bankin Maybank 
Account Number : 557054615887
Account Name :  PEEOS AQUATIC

Whatsapp reset and shipping detail to 
017-5522 128

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