Sunday, December 25, 2016

Latest Technique Culture Microworm ( Malaysia Weather )

Nutritious live food for fry and small fish.

Sciencetific Name: Panagrellus redivivus
Local Name:Bread worm, Banana Worm

✓ Size ±1mm
✓ Good & unlimited live food

✓ Each box culture can last 3 weeks & extendable
✓ Suitable for betta fry hatch 3 days above
✓ Help in earlier fry development growing
✓ Easy culture and maintain

Microworms are small colorless nematodes, approximately 1 millimeter long. They can be cultured easily by the home aquarist. Microworms are not sensitive to their environment and will thrive at most room temperatures. They are easy to feed to your fish and are readily accepted by fry and most small fish. However, these worms are too small to interest the larger varieties of fish kept in home aquariums. They can survive in water ~12 hours before drown.

Microworms are a great source of amino acids, fats, and other nutrients that are in high demand by young fish. Those fish that are fed a well-balanced diet that includes microworms can easily create the compounds that provide their flashy colors. Therefore, microworms are a great live food to improve the diet of fish that are brightly colored.

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1 box RM20.00
Postage +RM 10.00

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