The advantages of using Grindal in feeding our fish, we emphasize that they are a good food supplement, have a 10 to 12% protein and 2.7% fat. Feed our fish with live food as well be contributing to a balanced diet will be favoring mood and vitality of these as our fish in the wild are predators and feed them alone with scales or other inert food imbalances occur Both present in their behavior even less bright colors and an impaired immune system.
Grindal worms survive a couple of days in the aquarium allowing time to catch fish, especially if we some corrydora by the fund. The culture of Grindal requires very little space and maintenance is low. Cultivation no odor evident if we try a little ventilation. Just do not we feed our fish only with these worms, it should be done 3-4 times a week, we will complement the menu with flakes and other foods to the diet is as varied as possible.
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Pengenalan: Grindal worm ialah sejenis makanan hidup yang bersih selamat dan boleh biak sendiri, cara penjagaannya juga mudah. Dinamakan "Grindal" berdasarkan nama orang pertama yang menjumpainya, beliau seorang saintist berasal dari Sweden. Anda tidak perlulah risaukan jantinanya kerana Grindal Worm adalah bisex. Mana-mana pasaangan Grindal worm pun boleh menghasilkan bebeapa ratus telur. Telur Ini boleh cepat menetas dalam masa beberapa hari sahaja.
Ciri-ciri Grindalworm
● saiz 10mm
● membantu pembesaran ikan
● sebekas culture tahan sebulan
● makanan hidup jenis mudah dihasilkan
● sesuai untuk anak ikan menetas 3 minggu ke atas dan ikan dewasa
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Sebekas RM30.00
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Microworm Sciencetific Name: Panagrellus redivivus Local Name:Bread worm, Banana Worm
✓ Size ±1mm ✓ Good & unlimited live food
✓ Each box culture can last 3 weeks & extendable
✓ Suitable for betta fry hatch 3 days above
✓ Help in earlier fry development growing
✓ Easy culture and maintain
Microworms are small colorless nematodes, approximately 1 millimeter long. They can be cultured easily by the home aquarist. Microworms are not sensitive to their environment and will thrive at most room temperatures. They are easy to feed to your fish and are readily accepted by fry and most small fish. However, these worms are too small to interest the larger varieties of fish kept in home aquariums. They can survive in water ~12 hours before drown.
Microworms are a great source of amino acids, fats, and other nutrients that are in high demand by young fish. Those fish that are fed a well-balanced diet that includes microworms can easily create the compounds that provide their flashy colors. Therefore, microworms are a great live food to improve the diet of fish that are brightly colored.
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Tak sempat nak proses baby artemia (BBS) untuk diberi fry makan?.
Kutu Air ( Daphnia / 水蚤 ) sukar didapati kerana cuaca yg tidak menentu?.
Masih terdapat fry yg terlalu kecil dalam satu2 spawn untuk makan BBS atau daphnia?
Makanan "membuka mulut" anak ikan perlulah memenuhi syarat berikut : i. Memuatkan size anak ikan, size 1mm atau kurang. ii. Boleh menarik perhatian anak ikan dengan senang iaitu melalui pergerakkan. iii. Bertahan lama supaya anak ikan mempunyai masa secukupnya memburu. iv. Mempunyai nutrisi pembesaran ikan v. Tiada kesan terhadap kualiti Boleh membekal sepanjang tahun dan bilangan stabil
Tidak dapat dinafikan microworm telah memenuhi semua syarat ini Microwom membiak dengan cepat lagi tidak pelu penjagaan rapi,yang penting kita boleh memberi makan kepada ikan pada bila-bila masa. Di mana ada bekas, di situ kita membiak microworm
Cara Mengguna Microworm
Cara membuat microworm
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Free Gift Including: 1 Harvest Spoon, Collection Disc and Transfer Dropper Promotion Free Gift adalah semasa stok masih ada sahaja.
Microworm adalah ulat seni ( 1 mm sahaja ), size ini amat sesuai sebagai makanan pertama untuk anak ikan sperti betta dan guppy yang baru menetas. Walaupun namanya Microworm, mereka bukan betul-betul cacing/ulat. Microworm adalah jenis nematod yang terbaik sebagai makanan ikan.Microworm sudah semakin terkenal dan popular dikalangan breeder sebagai rahsia menjayakan pembiakan ikan terutamanya ikan betta. Microwom adalah selamat sebagai makanan anak ikan, namun adalah dinasihati supaya "Cuci" terlebih dahulu sebelum masuk ke aquarium anda. Kalau yis termasuk ke aquarium, mereka akan aktif dan menghasilkan minyak lapisan di permukaan air yang boleh mengurangkan oksigen masuk ke akuarium.Jadi, mencuci microworm adalah langkah penting untuk menghilangkan oat dan yis yang mungkin tercampur semasa mengutip microworm. Lapisan minyak boleh dihilangkan dengan kertas atau tisu.
Cara mencuci microworm : 1. Sediakan secawan air.
2. Masukkan microwom ke dalam cawan ini.
3. Tunggu semua microworm tenggelam lalu tuang separuh air.
4. Ulangi langkah 1 sampai 3 dua atau tiga kali
5. Siap sedia masuk akuarium
Perkara menarik & kebaikan microworm :
1. Media makanan microworm boleh keluarkan pelbagai bau seperti susu masam, bau wangi pisang/mangga. BERITA BAIK UNTUK PARA HOBI 17 December 2015
Bau busuk kultur telah berjaya diatasi oleh hobbist Turkey iaitu Serkan Alasya dengan cara dia dikenali sebagai "Kultur dengan Roti Putih", cara ini juga kami sharekan nanti di bawah post ini :)
Kajian sains dan secara praktikal menbuktikan ini adalah khabar angin dari pihak tidak bertanggungjawap, dan langsung salah. Kini, sudah ada banyak breeder berjaya membiak ikan laga dengan menggunakan microworm sebagai makanan utama.
Untuk mengurangkan kos, kita pakai je oat dan yis. Lagipun microworm ni bela dalam suasana bekas tertutup, jadi girl friend takdaklah complaint banyak :D
Tahukah anda ? Betta termahal Thailand bid telah dengan harga Baht 53,500 iaitu RM 6677.31 pada Nov 19, 2016
2. Makan microworm boleh hilangkan fin ikan?
Faktor qualiti kebersihan air, kekurangan nutrisi dan tabiak breeder tidak "control" kuantiti makanan adalah punca utama ikan terkena penyakit seperti kehilangan fin, swim bladder, perut besar, dan lain2. Penyakit ini terjadi kepada semua makanan seperti pellet, BBS, cacing sutera dan sebagainya. Cara terbaik pencegahan adalah beri makanan seimbang lagi setimpal, dan menjaga kualiti air.
Kajian mendapati anak2 ikan yg dibesarkan dengan diet microworm sama sihatnya seperti memberi diet artemia. Bezanya, microworm tidak menyebabkan penyakit 'swim bladder' sepertimana artemia.TETAPI, haruslah diingati bahawa fry yg sihat adalah fry yg diberi pelbagai makanan hidup sebagai dietnya..
Ini adalah sebenarnya lalat buah-buahan berjaya bertelur dikultur. Cara terbaik dan senang adalah mencegah, iaitu sumbat kapas di lubang udara bekas. ( cara ini ternyata berkesan kerana sudah 2 tahun saya kultur dan tidak lagi ada isu ini.|
4. Kebaikan microwom :
i. Sesuai untuk ikan termasuk danio, guppy, tetra, draft puffer, ikan laga, anak ikan
ii. Senang untuk pelihara dan jaga
iii. Kos mengkultur rendah
iv. Nutrisi tinggi v. Sekali bela, boleh biak dan guna selama-lamanya
kami menyediakan pos ke negeri2 berikut :
Kedah, Kelantan, Perlis, Terengganu, Pahang, Melaka, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Pulau Pinang, Labuan, Sabah, Sarawak, Johor, Perak, Negeri Sembilan
sebekas hanya RM20.00
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-------------------------Terima Kasih------------------------- ..Rahsia makanan untuk membiak ikan betta
As An Alternative to Brine Shrimp for Larval Fish Forage Jesse A. Chappell. Extension Fisheries Specialist, Assistant Professor, Auburn University
Live forage is considered to be the critical element for successful captive or hatchery culture of larval fish, especially during the first weeks of feeding. Most larval fish at the first few days of feeding require a food item that moves independently. This live food must also be appropriately sized for the mouth of the fry and ideally must provide a strong nutritional package for development of healthy fry. Fish culturists have traditionally used newly hatched brine shrimp nauplii almost exclusively as the initial food for fry that could ingest it. Brine shrimp, however, have some disadvantages as a fry food. For many fish species, newly hatched brine shrimp are much too large to be ingested. Hatching procedures for brine shrimp require aeration, and as a result, sometimes power outages can cause complete failure. Brine shrimp die in fresh water within a few hours due to physiological or osmotic stress. The most significant drawback is the cost of brine shrimp cysts. In some years it is prohibitive for rearing some species. The largest advantage- if they are affordable and available- is that it requires very little effort to consistently produce brine shrimp nauplii.
The nematode Panagrellus sp., commonly known as "Microworms" to fish culturists is an attractive alternate live food for some fry. Microworms are one of the simplest live foods to culture. They produce a dependable harvest and are reasonably tolerant of environmental variables. These nematodes are small (usually less than l/16" long), white, unsegmented worms that move almost continuously. The tail end is pointed while the mouth end is more rounded. They are approximately 15 times as long as they are wide. Because of their size and shape, they can be successfully fed to fish that are too small to take a brine shrimp nauplii. Microworms remain alive in fresh water for twelve hours or more. Microworms reproduce sexually. The males have a curved tail, are smaller, more slender, and less numerous than the females. Microworms are live bearing, releasing 10 to 40 young every 1 to 1.5 days for a 20 to 25 day life span. Therefore, each female produces approximately 300 young. The young reach sexual maturity in approximately three days. Their size increases by three times during the first day and five to six times during the next three days. The live nematodes are:76% water and 24% dry matter; 40% of the dry matter is protein and 20% is fat.
Managing Microworm Cultures
Starter cultures are available from biological supply houses, mail order companies that advertise in aquarium magazines, or from other fish culturists or hatcheries. A starter culture can be stored for over six months at slightly above 32°F. Microworms can be cultured in almost any shallow, flat, water tight container; of 10" x 10" or 8" x 12" or similar dimension plastic refrigerator boxes with tight fitting, snap-on lids are especially convenient for small-scale production or research needs (or much larger sized units can be effectively used for commercial scale production). Approximately ten 1/16 if holes are drilled in the top for air exchange. The culture media can be prepared from almost any cereal grain, yeast, and water. Rolled oats, available from livestock feed stores in 50- pound bags, is one of the best choices for maximum production and economy. Use approximately 1 to 1-1/2 pints of rolled oats with one quart water for each 8" x 12" sized container. The oats need to be boiled for 5 to 7 minutes, covered, and allowed to cool. If the mixture is not cooked, only approximately 2/3 as much water is needed, however, molds and insect infestation from spores and eggs in the oats may become a contamination problem. The mixture should have a very thick paste-like consistency. The media should be transferred into the culture container and spread to a thickness of 1/2" to 3/4". A tablespoon or more of baker's yeast is sprinkled over the oatmeal and mixed in. The starter culture of nematodes is then spread evenly over the surface. Any media on the sides of the container should be removed with a damp cloth, to prevent it from being introduced into the fry culture vessel.
The culture should be kept in a well-lighted area at room temperature, 68-85°F. Microworms can withstand temperatures below 32°F but greater daily production can be expected at higher temperatures; however, cultures last longer at lower temperatures. The Microworms feed on the yeast and bacteria produced from the oatmeal. After 3 to 7 days, the surface of the media will appear to shimmer with the movement of the Microworms produced and they will start climbing up the sides of the container.
The Microworms are harvested by simply scraping them from the sides and top of the container. A paint-stirring stick laid on the media provides additional surface from which to harvest The 8" x 12" culture will provide a harvest of approximately 1 to 1-1/2 teaspoons of Microworms daily for three weeks or more.
Maintaining the Culture
The surface of the culture should be stirred weekly to maintain production. As the yeast utilizes the oatmeal, the mixture will become thin and soupy, although the production of the worms will remain the same. A piece of sponge can be placed on the media to soak up the excess moisture. Eventually, as the oatmeal is exhausted, reducing the nutrient supply for the yeast, the harvest of Microworms diminishes and a new culture should be started.
Additional Microworm Cultures
Alternative media or recipes for Microworm cultures include (1) cornmeal, baker's yeast, and water; (2) baby oatmeal cereal, baker's yeast, and water; (3) Instant Ralston cereal, brewers yeast, baker's yeast and beer; and (4) baker's yeast and water. Typically, cornmeal produces fewer Microworms than rolled oats. The other recipes use ingredients that are much more expensive than the rolled oats used for livestock feed and are therefore less economical for the large scale or hatchery production user. Using the Worms
The Microworms can be fed alone or in combination with other foods such as brine shrimp, rotifers, zooplankton, egg yolk, dry diet, etc. Studies have shown that growth and survival of fish fry fed Microworms is not significantly different from those fed brine shrimp. Microworms are especially useful for species of fish whose fry are too small to initially take a newly hatched brine shrimp nauplii. However, a feeding program utilizing a combination of food items is probably the best option because it provides for a backup food supply in case of production failures and is better able to approximate the nutritional requirements of the fish fry.
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Microworm culture
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